John Shapard


John Edward Shapard, 77, of Falls Church, Virginia, passed away on January 4, 2025 due to complications from esophageal cancer.

Born on February 6, 1947 in Bethesda, Maryland, he is survived by the mother of his children, Barbara Rose Shapard; his son, Michael Robert Shapard and daughter-in-law, Emily Kathleen Dilger; his daughter, Corinna Shapard Eddy and son-in-law, Joseph Anthony Eddy; his grandsons, William Shapard Eddy and Alexander Joseph Eddy; his brother, Thomas Daniel Shapard; and his close friends, including Ashley Alvarado, Erin Murphy, and Ivana Vasic.

John was gifted with intellect that allowed him to pursue studies and employment in his choice of fields. John studied law and math, excelling in both. He created computer programs contributing to cutting edge projects at General Dynamics. He continued his family’s dedication to federal service when he transitioned to the Federal Judicial Center, where he conducted research and authored papers for the Federal Court System.

He enjoyed boating and spending weekends at the family cabin. Upon retiring from federal service, he created award-winning woodturning products as well as computer art. A recent passion was the establishment and maintenance of the Lake Barcroft Boat Share Program.

John is remembered for his energy and generosity in helping others with projects, ranging from community-wide efforts to individual homeowner projects. If you ever had a financial, legal, or maintenance problem, you could be sure John would attempt to find you a solution.

He will be deeply missed

A memorial service will be held on Sunday, March 16, 2025 at 11 AM, at the Lyon Park Community Center, located at 414 N. Fillmore Street in Arlington, VA. For planning purposes, if you expect to attend the service, please let us know by sending an email to We look forward to honoring John's life with you.

In lieu of flowers, please consider donating to one of the following:

Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation
Animal Welfare League of Arlington